Klimaweg Wien West

Walk Leader: Andy Nash

Datum: 4. Mai 2022


Klimaweg Wien West is a corridor from the Ringstrasse, through Neubau, Funfhaus and Ottakring to the pedestrian/cycling bridge over Flötzersteig. The walk takes you through (mostly) traffic calmed streets, along parks and over tree-filled squares and paths.

The Klimaweg project will create a map of the corridor highlighting climate friendly infrastructure, like Kühle Meile Zieglergasse and pedestrian/cycling paths, climate friendly culture, and climate friendly businesses. This Janes Walk will be the project’s premiere so we’ll be asking you to share your ideas and suggestions as we walk.

We hope the idea of a Klimawalk will help people learn about how city planning and neighbourhood projects can help protect us from the impacts of climate change. We think it’s something Jane would approve of.

Fotos (zum Vergrößern anklicken)

Fotograf: Andreas Lindinger
Fotocredit: Jane’s Walk Vienna // janeswalk.at