Walking to the 100th Jane’s Walk in Vienna!
For the sixth edition of the Jane’s Walk Festival in Vienna from 3-5 May as many walks are already planned so that Vienna should see its 100th Jane’s Walk since the start of the festival in 2014.
Vienna, 10 April 2019. It could happen in the mansion district at Hohe Warte, when exploring the best flirt sports in the city or when the wild 80s become alive at Praterstern – the first weekend in May will celebrate the 100th Viennese Jane’s Walk since the international festival came to the Austrian capital in 2014. For its sixth edition from 3-5 May, around 20 neighbourhood walks are already planned.

Jane’s Walk invites us to explore different topics and neighbourhoods and their characteristics that are seldomly mentioned in travel guides as the walks are initiated and led by citizens. The formerly largest slaughterhouse, Vienna’s first mountain spring water supply line, the footpaths of Ludwig van Beethoven, storytelling at Gumpendorferstrasse, green oases or the best places to flirt are some of the topics.
Personal stories not only deal with homelessness and drug addiction but a refugee also talks about his journey and how Vienna is becoming his new home. Moreover, we will visit traditional Viennese shops as well as new districts such as Nordbahnhof or Althangruende at Franz-Josefs-Bahnhof railway station.

Vienna’s Wien zu Fuss initiative again supports the festival as a partner in its sixth year. Petra Jens, the walking commissioner of the City of Vienna: “Today, more than eight of ten Viennese people say that they like to walk. A few years ago it was only five people. Events like the Jane’s Walk festival help that people discover the benefits of walking.”
More walks will be added until the festival weekend so that many different people, places and topics are part of the festival, whether they are easily visible in the cityscape or hidden in the public space. Jane’s Walk City Organiser Andreas Lindinger: “A city is multi-layered and public space often confusing, with many aspects being hidden. Jane’s Walk gives us a personal perspective and authentic insights by presenting different facets and giving everyone a chance to speak. Everyone of us can lead a walk, add the walk on janeswalk.at and explore their neighbourhood or other places in Vienna together with others.”

Walking through public space is not only at the core of the Jane’s Walk festival weekend. On April 25th, the City of Vienna hosts a panel discussion on “The renaissance of walking – What can new neighbourhoods contribute?” (6 PM at STADTRAUM in Nordbahnhalle, 2nd district). On May 10th, Eugene Quinn explores the creative scene along Gumpendorferstrasse on his Jane’s Walk. And on May 18th, as part of the #KommRaus Forum on Public Space we invite you to a “walkshop” for a “reflection while walking”, where walk leaders can share experiences on leading walks.
While most walks in Vienna are held in German, there are always some dedicated walks in English during the festival weekend. We particularly encourage English-speaking people to lead walks in English. Thank you!
We are looking forward to walking with you!