Create your walk for this year’s Jane’s Walk festival!

Around 2,000 people joined more than 80 Jane’s Walks in the past five years in Vienna. We want to continue this success and hopefully celebrate our 100th Viennese Jane’s Walk at this year’s festival on 3-5 May 2019.

This is only possible thanks to many engaged people who as Walk Leaders want to explore the favourite places in their neighbourhood or other places in Vienna together with other people. You could become one of them as well!

Everyone of us can lead a walk because everyone is an expert on the places where we live, work and play. If you like walking and are interested in conversations with other people then you’re ready lo lead a walk!

So, create your walk on our website! All you need is a title, a short description, a meeting place and a date. We are looking forward to joining you on your walk and supporting you with it.

Lege daher jetzt gleich deinen Walk an! Du brauchst nur einen Titel, eine kurze Beschreibung, einen Treffpunkt und ein Datum. Wir freuen uns und unterstützen dich gerne dabei.